Sunday, September 1, 2013

Photos we left out

Some other photos we found, which we thought should go up on our blog...

Quick stop in Tully to see the Giant Gumboot lookout!

Ingham Italian Festival... our whip cracking shows during the day attracted lots of interest from the crowds. The fire twirling at night was also a big event for everyone and the main organiser was very kind and got on the mic to promote our business, which boosted our donations :-)

Nath climbing a palm tree at Forrest Beach and Dudley throwing a ball, although it looks like Nath dropped a coconut!! :-)

Photos from Toomulla Beach with Dan, Angelina, Rodrigo and Gonzalo...

A memorable drawing by Angel.

At Sizzlers in Townsville with some friends. Full as a boot, but still smiling :-)

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