Monday, May 27, 2013

Wunjunga Beach

Wunjunga Beach, this beautiful spot, although it was slightly over populated with biting midgies and mozzies, became our home for a few days... we were originally going to stay at Funny Dunny Park which was a few kilometres further up the road, however, it was a bit crowed there with other campers and we got the feeling that we were not welcome to stay... The spot we found turned out to be much nicer, a lot more quiet and also nicer smelling (lets just say it didn't have a funny dunny)... 2 French blokes came the next day, they too were on their way to Funny Dunny, however when they heard what we experienced down there they decided to stay with us... We made friends, and found ourselves building giant sand sculptures, finding and coming across snakes, sharing stories and showing them how to cook mud crabs:-)


  1. Or are the sand castles a re-creation of the Funny Dunny?

  2. Hey! Where are you now guys? I though i saw your car north of Cairns last week, was it you?
    Have Fun
