Friday, May 24, 2013

Canarvan Gorge National Park

Our visit to Canarvan Gorge NP...

The first day we walked around 10 km of walk tracks, our first walk was to the Boolimba Bluff it was raining and the rocks were a bit slippery but it was still a nice 6 km walk and the views at the top with the low cloud mist was very pretty...

Our next short walk was Micky Cr Gorge and another gorge which we did, we did not go very far up Micky's but walked a fair bit up the other one next to it, it narrowed out to a small walk way with towering rock walls either side of us... we decided to walk fast because we are all a bit soft and it was freezing in the gorge:-)

Another spot we went to was Baloon Cave, it was interesting enough but not what any of us expected it to be. after exploring all the shorter walks close by toi the car park we all had nice hot showers for a dollar... the showers were much appreciated and enjoyed because it was a way to defrost our skin after being frozen all day:-) then we drove a bit out of the national park to camp, it was an amazing camp spot very pretty and we would have loved to have stayed longer but the nights were freezing!
The above photo shows everyone still rugged up and way too cold to move from the sleeping bags, apart from the brave person who took the photo of course:-) we pulled out all the warm clothing that was brought on our travels:-)  

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