Monday, May 27, 2013

Wunjunga Beach

Wunjunga Beach, this beautiful spot, although it was slightly over populated with biting midgies and mozzies, became our home for a few days... we were originally going to stay at Funny Dunny Park which was a few kilometres further up the road, however, it was a bit crowed there with other campers and we got the feeling that we were not welcome to stay... The spot we found turned out to be much nicer, a lot more quiet and also nicer smelling (lets just say it didn't have a funny dunny)... 2 French blokes came the next day, they too were on their way to Funny Dunny, however when they heard what we experienced down there they decided to stay with us... We made friends, and found ourselves building giant sand sculptures, finding and coming across snakes, sharing stories and showing them how to cook mud crabs:-)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Lake Elphinstone

Off the beaten track, past well over 3 or 4 dozen mines and a couple of miles of roadworks and finally ending up at a very pretty campsite called Lake Elphinstone, about 25 km from the Glenden township. We set up camp in the back corner away from the oldies just in case they got a bit apprehensive of 4 young people rocking up and setting up a small village of tents, however, as we found out most of the other caravanies there were very accepting of younger people and very hospitable towards us...

Peak Downs National Park

After Canarvan Gorge we found a few nice and some lets say, interesting campsites as well:-) One very nice place we went to was the Peak Downs NP, this very small national park was situated on the Peak Downs HWY. These small peaks rise up over the flat plains that surround them, the views from the top were amazing...

Our picturesque campsite, there were a lot of huntsman spiders around but we figured they woundn't eat much;-)

We explored the sides of the mountains and found some very interesting rock formations and small honey comb caves throughout the sides of the mountains...

Canarvan Gorge Day 3

On Day 3, we decided to not walk as far, from our 26 km walk yesterday... So we walk back up Micky Cr gorge track again and found a cliff to climb and abseil off... it was not the best climbing rock, very sandy so a bit dusty and loose, but we still had some fun mucking around and getting our photos taken by the passing tourists, which suprisingly were very few considering how busy the rest of the park was...

Nathan, hanging on because it was a competition to get up to the top without falling!! most of us succeeded:-)

AHHH!!! Give me some slack!!!


Jem described herself as an ant on a hill:-)

Getting there!!! squirmy worm getting past the overhang:-)

Canarvan Gorge NP Day 2

So after a nice cold night and amazing enough we all managed to have a pretty good sleep, we packed up our camp and headed back into the National Park. We decided to walk to the Big Bend, it took us around 2 hours to walk all the way to the bend which was about 10 km. Did some exploring around the bend before heading back. On our way back we went off on all the other divert tracks which went to some pretty amazing sites...  enjoy the photo's:-)



Canarvan Gorge National Park

Our visit to Canarvan Gorge NP...

The first day we walked around 10 km of walk tracks, our first walk was to the Boolimba Bluff it was raining and the rocks were a bit slippery but it was still a nice 6 km walk and the views at the top with the low cloud mist was very pretty...

Our next short walk was Micky Cr Gorge and another gorge which we did, we did not go very far up Micky's but walked a fair bit up the other one next to it, it narrowed out to a small walk way with towering rock walls either side of us... we decided to walk fast because we are all a bit soft and it was freezing in the gorge:-)

Another spot we went to was Baloon Cave, it was interesting enough but not what any of us expected it to be. after exploring all the shorter walks close by toi the car park we all had nice hot showers for a dollar... the showers were much appreciated and enjoyed because it was a way to defrost our skin after being frozen all day:-) then we drove a bit out of the national park to camp, it was an amazing camp spot very pretty and we would have loved to have stayed longer but the nights were freezing!
The above photo shows everyone still rugged up and way too cold to move from the sleeping bags, apart from the brave person who took the photo of course:-) we pulled out all the warm clothing that was brought on our travels:-)  

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pink cactus

Some pink cactus fruit we found growing on the road verge, they had a bland sweetish flavour. At first we thought they were small dragon fruits or pitaya but unsure as to what they were now...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Round waterhole & road side camps

A couple of nice camp sites which we found on our way up to Canarvan Gorge... Round waterhole camp was very pretty in the morning, the mist came off the water and the sunbeams shone through it. The road side camp was a nice spot also, however, out did rain later on in the night, but we mostly stayed dried:-)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bundjalung NP

The beautiful sunrise at black rock camp ground in Bundjalung NP, a day before we got to Brisbane.

Friday, May 10, 2013


On the walk path of the 3 km bridge near Redcliff, with several lanes of vehicles driving past looking while we stand on bollards looking silly and posing for the photos:)

First camp

Our first camp, on nsw north coast beach just past Illuka. Set up a tarp to sleep under because it did rain a bit...

Start of travels

Start of our travels 3 days ago... we are in Brisbane now and its raining! should of stayed down south a bit longer apparently it is fine and sunny back there:)

I have no idea what I'm doing with this blog but I'll try work it out...