Sunday, September 22, 2013


Katherine town has changed a bit to when we visited a few years ago, from what I remember of it last time it is now a little cleaner and nicer smelling... We met up with our mate Cal and also met a few of his friends who live in Katherine. We got a couple of gigs on the weekend nights which we were very thankful for, the NT is not the most busiest place so its hard to find places where there is more than 50 people in the one area:-)

Lunch in the river at Knots Crossing with Cal  :-)

After the concert at the Art & Culture Centre

Super Hero's pose, hehe

Jedda enjoying the water at sunset

Jedda, come baaaack....

 Guitar playing and some singing :-)

Nitmaluk (Katherine Gorge)

Two rocks at the 10th Gorge that looked like eagles!!

Our camp at the 9th Gorge

 Rock house (Lego blocks!)

Poi lessons with Sean

Something a little different... We saw this huge catfish after Jem and Jess saw a big croc tail sleek into the water under a cave in the 5th Gorge!! Not sure what kind of croc it was, but its tail was big, black and spiky!


Mataranka - not much different to when we came a fair few years ago, still a nice place in the territory though so we decided to spend a few days camping in the national park. one of the days we went exploring the park, one of the spots we came to was obviously a popular fishing spot, we didn't have our rods but still ended up with a pretty good catch of lures! we found over 15 lures hooked up in the trees, snagged on logs etc. most of them easy enough to get too, so Nathwas happy he restocked his lure box:-)

Ok maybe some of them were a little harder to get too but they were the better ones, haha!!


Selfies... haha, having a break from swimming in the heavy calcium filled water... our hair was like straw!!

Another sunset haha!!

Daily waters and larrahma

Daly Waters Pub - the pub of interesting things, quite unique!!

Larrahma - the pink panther pub, another unique place with a pretty cool little zoo with a few aussie animals...

A bird which talked in a really deep voice, we couldn't quite make out what he said but it was something like "what you doing mug" or "what you eating love" haha!!

Sam the salt croc they had:-)

Hells Gate to Bing Bong

After Doomadgee we travelled up the dirt road toward Borroloola, via Hells Gate, along the way we camped at Bluey Creek - a nice spot and our first camp in the NT!!!

Lookout just outside Hells Gate, nice spot but had been burnt so it was very dusty and hot:-)

Road signs at Hells Gate

Shallow water crossing at Bluey's Creek:-)

Chill-out time...

Look!!! this spot was meant for us... a sign which someone had left at Bluey Creek.

One of the dark shadows that linger around our tents at night:-) Cain toads everywhere!!!

Nathan getting a birds eye view:-)

Second camp in the NT...

Bunch of hillbilly's camping out under the stars again... awakening to a pretty spectacular sunrise though, which is not quite captured in this photo!!

Bing Bong

An interesting name for an interesting place, Bing Bong was a pretty awesome fishing spot!!

Welcome to Bing Bong - the road comes to an end at a loading facility (port), however, the smaller dirt road veers off to Mule Creek boat ramp... we camped a couple of days near Mule Creek in Bing Bong and caught a few beaut fish 

Almost felt like we were back up at Cape York being in the gulf

There's always something for us to play on, haha!!

An eerie mangrove forest we had to walk through to get to the beach at low tide, I'm sure there were crocs lurking around, we don't see them but I'm sure they are there and keep a close eye on what goes by, apparently you just don't visit the same spot more than 3 times and generally your pretty safe...  

Nath reeling in the catch of the day...

Cooking some more yummy fish on the campfire in the middle of the dried mud flats...

One of the sunrises we awoke to at Mule Creek:-)