Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Back in Toomulla!! One of our favourite spots where we met up again with some good
friends. Spent time on the beach, fishing, swimming, building a palm frond fort and
camping with friends on the beach around the camp fire, under the stars, and awaking to
a magnificent sunrise over the ocean.

Jessie's Spanish Mackerel

Wallaman Falls, Jourama Falls & Paluma slippery slides

Another couple of beautiful areas we visited on day trips out from Forrest Beach were these two waterfalls. Wallaman Falls is over 200 metres high, it was a cold day but this didn't stop us from walking to the bottom of the falls and getting soaked by the spray of the falling water.


Cairns to Ingham and Forrest Beach

Beach Camping near Cairns
After being drenched through in Babinda, we moved further north of Cairns to a pretty spot on the beach where we stayed dry for the entire night. No tents this time, just the tarp on the beach, under the stars and waking up to a nice sunrise!!


Fishing with our mate Dudley on Stoney Creek, near the Herbert River. a very successful day of sport fishing catching only Sooty Grunters...

Jem's spot of bad luck!! We all heard her scream for the pliers, as she tried to hold the struggling fish, with the lurer hooked in her finger!! Dudley's shirt was nearly torn by Jem's gnashing teeth, while Nath pushed the hook out. All pain and blood aside, we all laughed and carried on with our fishing, catching Sooties, logs, trees, but no more human flesh :-)

Forrest Beach

Our stay at Forrest Beach was relaxing and very enjoyable. Dudley's Grandparents offered us their beach house to stay in for a couple of weeks, so we had nice soft beds for a change, however it took a while to get used to them, after sleeping on the ground on small thin mats...
We did a couple of fire and whip shows at the local pub, went fishing off the beach, Dudley brought his stand-up-paddle board down, but most of us were falling/standing in the water more than on the board :-) We also went to the Italian Festival in Ingham, and did a couple of Whip cracking shows during the day and fire twirling at night, every show was very successful and apparently one of the best performances at the festival!!

We were also offered by a friendly local (Trevor) to join him on a fishing trip in one of the "croc" creeks up the beach. We rode the quads and caught whiting, mullet, flatheads and a nice big barra! Our dinner that night was very tasty!! We also went out with Trevor to the Great Barrier Reef for more fishing and snorkelling!! This was a very exciting day for all of us, and enjoyed every moment. We all caught a variety of fish including a small mackerel, red coral cod, brown and blue spotted cod, coral trout, sweetlip, and some other small reef fish. Snorkelling on the reef was very pretty and so colourful, best reef we've ever seen. However the sad part was that Jemima's camera isn't very waterproof anymore, and our other cameras were flat, so we didn't get any photos underwater :-(
On the way back we stopped off on Orpheus Island for the sunset over the islands. Thanks heaps Trev for an awesome unforgettable day out!

 Fishing on the Reef

The colours were much brighter, and the water was so clear!!

Jess and Trev - Shark bait!! haha

Monique's and Jemima's Sweetlips :-)

Richard and Nath in the captains cabin :-)

Orpheus Island

The Flamin' Sisters Photo shoot...